Career Advice: Becoming a System Administrator

Posted on in IT Management

Recently, I got an email that went something like this:

I have completed a BTech in Electronics and Communication. Now, I am working as a desktop engineer. How can I move my career to the network / server side?

Career moves are hard for everyone. Personally, I've been thinking about making a change in my career for a long time as well. I have two recommendations for you:

  1. If your current employer has a policy of hiring from within, keep your eyes open for opportunities within your own organization. Since your current company already has you onboard, they are motivated to hire you. If you've already shown your value to the company in your existing position, you are even more likely to get that chance.
  2. I'm assuming that you are having a hard time getting your foot in the door with network / server administrator positions. Many hiring managers do not want to take a risk on an unknown or unproven candidate when there are so many candidates out there. To put them at ease, you might consider a certification or two in the area you are most interested in working. For example, becoming an MCSE is one way to prove your expertise as a Windows server administrator.

Best of luck!

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