Cisco IOS to BWG Version Matrix

Posted on in Networking

Figuring out which version of Cisco IOS includes which version of the Cisco Broadband Wireless Gateway (BWG) can be a real pain. Hopefully the following table will help:

Cisco IOS Cisco BWG Supported Hardware
12.4(15)XL 1.0 7301 Router, SAMI (6500, 7600)
12.4(15)XL2 1.1 7301 Router, SAMI (6500, 7600)
12.4(15)XL3 1.2 7301 Router, SAMI (6500, 7600)
12.4(15)XL4 1.3 7301 Router, SAMI (6500, 7600)
12.4(15)XL5 1.4 7301 Router, SAMI (6500, 7600)
12.4(24)YG 2.0 SAMI (7600)
12.4(24)YG1 2.1 SAMI (7600)
12.4(24)YG2 2.2 SAMI (7600)
12.4(24)YG3 2.3 SAMI (7600)

For the curious, the Broadband Wireless Gateway is Cisco's WiMAX ASN Gateway.

Slaptijack's Koding Kraken