New-Style TACACS+ Configuration

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For troubleshooting tips regarding the error message %TAC+: no address for get_server see: Troubleshooting "%TAC+: no address for get_server" on Cisco Devices.

While working with Cisco Catalyst IOS image 12.2(58)SE1, I noticed that configuration for TACACS+ had changed. My first clue that there was a problem was the following:

switch(config)#tacacs-server host
This cli will be deprecated soon. Use new server cli


It seems that part of the reason for the change is so that you can now specify an IPv4 and IPv6 address for each TACACS+ server.

Listed below is the old school TACACS+ configuration I was using.

tacacs-server host
tacacs-server key rycserdOb
aaa group server tacacs+ TAC_PLUS

This now becomes:

tacacs server AUTH
 address ipv4
 key rycserdOb
aaa group server tacacs+ TAC_PLUS
 server name AUTH

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