Does Bazel Guarantee Hermeticity?

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Bazel does not guarantee hermeticity, but it does provide some features that can help to achieve hermeticity. These features include:

  • Sandboxing: Bazel can sandbox the execution of build actions, which helps to prevent them from accessing the host system.
  • Dependency pinning: Bazel can pin the versions of dependencies that are used in a build, which helps to ensure that the same versions of dependencies are used every time the build is run.
  • Caching: Bazel can cache the output of build actions, which can help to improve the performance of builds.

However, there are some things that can still compromise the hermeticity of a Bazel build, such as:

  • Using system tools: If a build action uses a system tool, such as ls or grep, the output of the tool may be affected by the environment in which the build is running.
  • Writing to the source tree: If a build action writes to the source tree, the changes to the source tree may affect the output of subsequent build actions.
  • Using non-hermetic rules: Some Bazel rules are not hermetic, which means that they may introduce dependencies on the host system.

To ensure the hermeticity of a Bazel build, it is important to be aware of the potential sources of non-hermeticity and to take steps to mitigate them.

Here are some additional tips for ensuring the hermeticity of a Bazel build:

  • Use sandboxing for all build actions that are not trusted.
  • Pin the versions of all dependencies that are used in a build.
  • Use caching to avoid re-running build actions that have already been run.
  • Use hermetic rules for all build actions that are critical to the correctness of the build.
  • Audit the build configuration to identify any potential sources of non-hermeticity.

By following these tips, you can help to ensure that your Bazel builds are hermetic and reproducible.

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