Articles in the programming category

  1. Getting Ready to Repackage

    Posted on in Programming

    Hard Disk (Internal)Having built an entire application, the time has come to consider the possibility of redistributing the application for a wider audience. Since the original application was designed to meet the needs of a specific business, one of the primary considerations will be how the application must be modified to meet …

  2. Database Basics

    Posted on in Programming

    The widespread use of computers has made database interaction a daily occurrence. Although databases can be large and complex, they are generally defined by basic terms that come together to create the larger system. Understanding these database basics helps users understand the underlying structure of the system and how they …

  3. The Joy of Modularization

    Posted on in Programming

    orbitModern programs are not developed as singular, autonomous applications. Programmers have learned that many different programs use the same routines over and over again. By developing these routines as independent modules or libraries, programmers gain the advantage of quickly adding functionality to their programs. Modularization allows the detail of often-repeated …

  4. Decision and Loop Structures

    Posted on in Programming

    Decision structures (also known as selection structures) are used in programming to take an action based on the result of a question (Farrell, 2008). An if-then-else statement is the most basic kind of decision structure. The question is represented as a Boolean expression that results in a true or false …

  5. Referential Integrity and Business Rules

    Posted on in Programming

    Referential Integrity and Business Rules Referential integrity and business rules are two subjects that individuals new to database design find confusing. Relational databases use tables to represent things and events. It is often necessary for a table to refer to another table. In this case, the two tables have a relationship. Referential integrity ensures that …

  6. Database Speak

    Posted on in Programming

    For those not acquainted with the vernacular of relational databases, many frequently used terms can be hard to grasp. These terms are often difficult to comprehend, but the concepts they describe can be illustrated in plain English. When a database administrator or developer is working with someone not fluent in …

  7. Build vs. Buy

    Posted on in Programming

    Round like a circleWhen planning for a new application, all organizations are faced with deciding whether to develop the application in-house or purchasing an off-the-shelf software package. Developing the application in-house has the benefit of ensuring the application is custom-fit to the organization's needs. Unfortunately, this custom-fit may result in an application that …

  8. Software Development Life Cycle

    Posted on in Programming

    "Cycle on Fort Wall" Like many other kinds of businesses, a landscaping business needs a billing system. As is often the case, billing systems require an incredible level of customization thanks to the various intricacies of most companies' pricing structures. Designing a billing system to fit the specific needs of an individual organization is …

  9. RDBMS Introduction

    Posted on in Programming

    Disk Lengthwise A database is a collection of files used by an organization in support of its daily operations. The files in a database are commonly called tables because their data is organized into rows and columns. Databases allow for easy storage and retrieval of the data kept within the files that …

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