SlaptiGooglePR Plugin for WordPress Now in Beta

Posted on in Programming

The SlaptiGooglePR Plugin for WordPress adds a Google PageRank column to your Manage Posts subpanel. Unlike other Google PageRank plugins which add a PageRank badge to every post, this plugin gives the blog administrator a snapshot of how every post is ranked without announcing it to the world. Additionally, it keeps track of your overall site PageRank in the Administration Panel header.

→ Download ←


Easy as 1 - 2 - 3.

  1. Download the ZIP file and expand it.
  2. Copy the PHP file wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  3. Go to the Plugins Panel of your WordPress Adminstration page and click the Activate link for SlaptiGooglePR.


- SlaptiGooglePR and Withering Fig view 1 - SlaptiGooglePR and Withering Fig view 2

Screenshots provided by Stephen Hebert & Withering Fig


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