What are AI-Assisted Development Tools?

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AI-assisted development tools are software applications that use artificial intelligence (AI) to help developers write code more efficiently and effectively.These tools can perform a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Code completion: AI-assisted development tools can suggest code completions based on the context of the code you are writing. This can save you time and effort, as you do not have to type out the entire code yourself.
  • Error detection: AI-assisted development tools can detect errors in your code and suggest fixes. This can help you to catch errors early on, before they cause problems.
  • Refactoring: AI-assisted development tools can help you to refactor your code, making it more efficient and easier to maintain.
  • Documentation: AI-assisted development tools can generate documentation for your code, making it easier for others to understand and use.

AI-assisted development tools are still under development, but they have the potential to revolutionize the way that software is developed. By automating many of the tasks that are currently done manually, these tools can free up developers to focus on more creative and strategic work.

Here are some examples of AI-assisted development tools:

  • IntelliCode: IntelliCode is an AI-powered code completion tool that is integrated into Visual Studio. It can suggest code completions based on the context of the code you are writing, as well as the code that you have written in the past.
  • GitHub Copilot: GitHub Copilot is a code completion tool that is powered by OpenAI's GPT-3 language model. It can suggest code completions based on the code that you have written in the past, as well as the code that is available in public repositories.
  • Figwheel: Figwheel is an AI-assisted development tool that helps developers to write code for JavaScript frameworks, such as React and Angular. It can suggest code completions, detect errors, and refactor code.

AI-assisted development tools are a powerful new tool that can help developers to write code more efficiently and effectively. As these tools continue to develop, they have the potential to revolutionize the way that software is developed.


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