Another Red Hat Flurry of Fixes

Posted on in Software

Red Multitool Swiss Knife 11The Red Hat team has been hard at work rolling out bug fix updates. Here's another list of updated packages.

  • iiimf-le-xcin
  • apr
  • db4
  • planner
  • dia
  • gzip
  • busybox
  • libtool
  • mrtg
  • hal-cups-utils
  • ksh
  • man
  • man-pages
  • man-pages-fr
  • numactl
  • kudzu
  • tcp_wrappers
  • pdksh
  • kbd

Red Hat signs all their packages via Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG). You can get more information regarding how to verify this signature via the Red Hat GPG Keys page.

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