Camino 1.5.2 Is On The Scene

Posted on in Software

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Sometimes I feel I'm a little late to the party.

The Camino Project announced the release of version 1.5.2 of their popular Camino web browser on Friday. The Camino browser is a Mozilla-based web browser designed to integrate smoothly with Mac OS X. It sports a more OS X-like look and feel.

Here's a list of the security and stability improvements over 1.5.1 from the release notes:

  • Upgraded to version of the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine, which includes several critical security and stability fixes.
  • Large download lists and corrupt site icons will no longer cause Camino to stop loading pages or opening windows.
  • When viewing the source of a frame, Camino now uses cached data instead of requesting the frame again.
  • When JavaScript code wants to focus a minimized window, Camino now properly restores the window from the Dock.
  • Pages which perform actions when the tab or window is closed now function properly.
  • Camino no longer adds site icons for local files to the site icon cache.
  • Upgraded the "Block flash animations" code to use Flashblock
  • Upgraded the bundled Java Embedding Plugin to version
  • Improved ad-blocking.

Download Camino 1.5.2 today!

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