Articles in the software category

  1. iPod Appears in Finder, Not In iTunes

    Posted on in Software

    After a recent power event, I experienced this problem. None of our iPods were appearing in iTunes; even those that sync via wireless. My problem was solved on the macosxhints forums by sprale.

    In Terminal:

    cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/SyncServices/
    rm Local

    If you aren't comfortable in Terminal, you will …

  2. Mutt: Tagging Messages Based on Message ID

    Posted on in Software

    I recently needed to tag the first 5,389 messages in a mailbox using Mutt. This is much easier than you might think.

    1. shift-t - By default, the command to tag messages based on a pattern is bound to shift-t. If you've changed this in your muttrc, use whatever you've bound …
  3. Comments in .vimrc

    Posted on in Software

    If you need to comment something out of your .vimrc, start the line with a double quote (").

    "autocmd BufRead *.xml :source ~/.vimrc.xml

    It's embarrassing to admit how long it takes to find the answer to that question.

  4. Google PageRank Tool 0.5.0

    Posted on in Software

    I released a new version of my Google PageRank Tool for WordPress last week. Google recently changed the URL for PageRank information which necessitated a change in the plugin. The new plugin has been tested with WordPress 3.2.1.

    You can download the latest version of the plugin from …

  5. Convert MOD Movies with VLC on Your Mac

    Posted on in Software

    My wife uses a Canon FS100 for taking home videos of the kids. If you aren't familiar with it, it's a fairly light-weight camcorder that uses SDHC cards rather than tapes. The only real grievance I have with it is that the video codec it uses is not compatible with …

  6. MySQL: Disable DNS Lookups

    Posted on in Software

    Powered By MySQLIn a small environment, there's very little reason to rely on DNS resolution inside MySQL. You can disable it by adding skip-name-resolve to your my.cnf or by using the --skip-name-resolve command line argument.

    Remember that if you disable DNS lookups, you will need to set permissions using IP addresses …

  7. WordPress: Tired of Dashes and Quotes Being Rewritten?

    Posted on in Software

    Using WordPress to write a technical blog can be occasionally frustrating. WordPress uses the wptexturize() function to rewrite certain ASCII character combinations into HTML entities. Although this may generally be a "good thing," it's really annoying on technical blogs where two dashes is not an em dash.

    To disable this …

  8. WordPress Stops Redirecting, Reset Permalinks

    Posted on in Software

    WordPress Horizontal LogoThis is the first time I've run into this problem.

    In the process of disabling some slightly used plugins, got into a situation where every permalink simply pulled up the home page rather than individual posts. I checked everything (mod_rewrite in my Apache configuration file, changes to .htaccess …

  9. VirtualBox 4.0.4 Has Arrived

    Posted on in Software

    VirtualBox 4.0.4Oracle announced the release of VirtualBox 4.0.4 today. This maintenance release addresses many bugs experienced by hosts of all operating systems. You can find a full list of fixes and additions in the Changelog.

    I use VirtualBox on both my Macs for my various testing needs. If you've …

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