No BlogRush Here

Posted on in Software

BlogRush LogoIt's been four weeks since BlogRush released their updated dashboard and I decided to give them a second chance. In that time, I've earned over 6,000 credits and received 1 click. (The recipient article for that one lonely click was Gmail And IMAP, Perfect if you are interested.)

What have I learned?

Basically, I've learned that I'm obviously doing it wrong. Of the 11,978 times my articles have been syndicated by BlogRush, I've received exactly 1 click. Correct my math please, but doesn't that translate to a click-thru rate of .008%?

I'm sure with some work on my titles, I could bump that up to at least .01%.

Anyway, there's no reason to dwell on what appears to be a lost cause. My guess is that most folks have learned to ignore the BlogRush widget. Unless something blows me away, you shouldn't expect to see the widget in the Slaptijack sidebar anymore.

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