Snow Leopard Coming Today

Posted on in Software

Snow Leopard on AmazonToday (Aug 28, 2009) is the big day for Mac OS X lovers. Snow Leopard has finally been released. If you were smart enough to pre-order it on Amazon then you'll be getting it soon. Not only that, but you saved \$4 off the list price!

On a related note, if you are big fan of the Missing Manual series, you can now pre-order* the Snow Leopard Missing Manual on Amazon. I know that the Missing Manual was practically a requirement for me when I started using Mac OS X during the Jaguar to Panther change over. New users to Mac OS X can really benefit from the Missing Manual series and old users might learn a few new tricks, too.

* I've never noticed that Amazon offered price protection on pre-order items. That's useful.

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