Time to Download Firefox 3.0.7

Posted on in Software

Spreadfirefox Affiliate ButtonThe Mozilla Project released Firefox 3.0.7 yesterday. This minor release addresses several stability issues in addition to a few critical security problems. It is recommended that all users upgrade in order to get access to these security fixes. Additionally users of the Flashblock add-on will enjoy a better experience now as they've fixed a known issue related to that add-on. Finally, this version of Firefox includes support for the Estonian, Kannada, an Telugu languages bringing the total localized Firefox support up to 58.

You will find a list of the security updates included in this release after the jump.


MFSA 2009-07 Critical Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv: MFSA 2009-08 Critical Mozilla Firefox XUL Linked Clones Double Free Vulnerability MFSA 2009-09 High XML data theft via RDFXMLDataSource and cross-domain redirect MFSA 2009-10 Critical Upgrade PNG library to fix memory safety hazards MFSA 2009-11 Low URL spoofing with invisible control characters

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