Lotus Domino 6.5 - Start Agent Manager

Posted on in System Administration

Lotus Notes Logo You stopped Agent Manager on your Lotus Domino 6.5 server when you meant to tell it to restart? I've done that. If you don't know how to start it up again, finding that information can be pretty frustrating. Not to mention potentially embarrassing.

To get the Agent Manager running again, issue the following command at the Server Console:


The response will look like this:

09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  Agent Manager started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '4' started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '6' started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '7' started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '2' started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '5' started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '3' started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '9' started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '1' started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '10' started
09/18/2009 02:35:30 PM  AMgr: Executive '8' started

The number of executive processes you see depends on how many concurrent agent processes you have allowed. In this case, we have the maximum concurrent agents set to 10. You can change that setting in Lotus Domino Administrator by going to Configuration → Server Document → Server Tasks → Agent Manager.

You can get to the Server Console in the Lotus Domino Administrator tool by going to Server → Status → Server Console. While you're there, you can use these Tell commands to get information about your running Agent Manager process (since you started it again, right?).

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