Articles tagged with cisco as5300

  1. T.37 Store and Forward Fax and Cisco AS5300: Dial Peers

    Posted on in voice

    Fax (photo by zd) id: 722728Note: This is part of a discussion regarding the configuration of a Cisco AS5300 for T.37 Store and Forward Faxing.

    The final piece of the T.37 Store and Forward Fax configuration is the dial peers to handle the incoming fax and the outgoing email. I'll walk you through …

  2. VoIP Hairpinning Issues

    Posted on in voice

    When using Asterisk and a remote bank of <acronym title="Primary Rate Interface">PRI</acronym>s (or any other form of <acronym title="Public Switched Telephone Network">PSTN</acronym> connectivity for that matter), you may encounter an issue known as hairpinning. Hairpinning describes what happens when a call coming from …

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