Articles tagged with debian

  1. Cache has broken packages, exiting

    Posted on in system_administration

    I've been getting the following error from cron.daily in my inbox lately:

    Cache has broken packages, exiting

    That's an annoying email to get everyday. I decided I would apt-get clean and that would probably fix the problem:

    $ sudo apt-get clean
    $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    Reading package …
  2. WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!

    Posted on in System Administration

    We run several (read: hundreds) of servers that are still running Debian 6 (Squeeze). A few months ago, we started seeing the following errors coming from the daily apt cronjob: "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" When running apt-get update the following errors dump out:

    $ apt-get update
    W: GPG …

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