Articles tagged with gnu_screen

  1. Mac OS X terminal and GNU screen scrollback

    Posted on in system_administration

    If you're a frequent user of GNU screen on your Mac, you are probably tired of using ctrl-a [ to enter scrollback mode. Adding the following lines to the .screenrc configuration file in your home directory in order to scroll with your mouse:

    defscrollback 5000
    termcapinfo xterm* ti@:te@
  2. Multiuser GNU Screen - Long Distance Teaching Tool

    Posted on in System Administration

    When working in an office environment, it's very easy to gather multiple administrators into one office and show them how a task is done. If, on the other hand, your administrators are spread out, these impromptu meetings are nearly impossible. GNU Screen (in multiuser mode) can solve all your problems …

  3. Debugging AGIs In Asterisk

    Posted on in voice

    Asterisk LogoTrying to debug an <acronym title="Asterisk Gateway Interface">AGI</acronym> in Asterisk can be a frustrating experience. The main problem is that STDERR only outputs to the terminal Asterisk was started from. In most cases, this means the terminal is the server console. If your Asterisk server is sitting …

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