Articles tagged with metro ethernet

  1. Brand New ME3400G Can't Ping!

    Posted on in Networking

    Old Cisco Systems LogoAfter cracking open a brand new Catalyst ME3400G, we weren't able to get it upgraded to the latest version of software. In fact, we couldn't even ping anything on the local subnet.

    In order to use Cisco's Metro Ethernet switches, it's important to understand the new concepts that are introduced …

  2. Using ACLs to Block NetBIOS Traffic on Cisco Catalyst Switches

    Posted on in Networking

    In a Metro Ethernet network, the possibility exists for a lot of NetBIOS broadcasts if your users are connecting directly to the ring rather than through a firewall. My first assumption was that most users would have a firewall, but this is really only guaranteed in the case of business-class …

  3. UDLD In Radio-Based Metro Ethernet Rings

    Posted on in Networking

    <acronym title="UniDirectional Link Detection">UDLD</acronym> is a Cisco protocol designed to detect and disable unidirectional links in Ethernet (fiber or twisted-pair). In the case of a radio-based Metro Ethernet ring, UDLD goes the extra mile in preventing Spanning-Tree loops and user service interruption.

    4 Switches and Spanning-TreeIn this simple network of …

Slaptijack's Koding Kraken