Do You Need Another Reason To Give?

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The One Laptop Per Childproject was started by MIT professor Nicholas Negroponte to give computer access to children in developing nations. The organization believes that theirXO laptop can help children with little to no access to rudimentary education learn more effectively. This belief is bolstered by Negroponte's own experience in a small Cambodian village.

On November 12th, OLPC launched their Give One Get One program to springboard the XO laptop into more deserving hands. This program allows you to make a donation of \$399 and send a laptop to a child in a developing nation. In return, a child in your life will receive their own XO laptop in recognition of your donation.

$200 ($399 less the fair market value of the XO laptop) of your donation is tax-deductible. To sweeten this already sweet deal, T-Mobile is offering one year of free HotSpot access for all U.S. donors. This program runs through November 26, 2007.

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