Two Random Asterisk-Related SQL Queries

Posted on in voice

I hate losing useful SQL queries, so I tend to save them. Ever so often, I stumble across a file of queries from some work I was doing months ago. The following two queries are just such a case. I was analyzing some call data for a call center that uses Asterisk. I set up a temporary database for this, so I can't even run them again. Still, it's nice to save them away for a rainy day.


Call Center Call Volume by Day of Week and Hour

SET @tz = 'EST5EDT';
  DAYNAME(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)) AS "Weekday",
  HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)) AS "Hour",
  AVG(duration), AVG(billsec) 
  FROM cdr 
    WHERE dcontext IN ('Queue1', 'Queue2', 'Queue3', 'Queue4')
      AND duration > 60
    GROUP BY Weekday, Hour
    ORDER BY WEEKDAY(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)), Hour 

I was trying to figure out what the busy days and hours were for a call center. As you can see, only calls longer than 60 seconds counted. This was to rule out calls which hung up too quickly. I believe "duration" is the length of the entire call, including navigation through the IVR to reach the call center.

Call Center Erlangs by Weekday and Hour

SET @tz = 'EST5EDT', SET @ivr_time = 70;
  DAYNAME(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)) AS "Weekday",
  HOUR(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)) AS "Hour",
  SUM(billsec - @ivr_time) / 3600 / COUNT(DISTINCT(DAYOFYEAR(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)))) AS "erlangs" , 
  AVG(duration - @ivr_time), AVG(billsec - @ivr_time) 
  FROM cdr 
    WHERE dcontext IN ('Queue1', 'Queue2', 'Queue3', 'Queue4')
      AND duration > @ivr_time
    GROUP BY Weekday, Hour
    HAVING erlangs > 1
    ORDER BY WEEKDAY(CONVERT_TZ(start, 'GMT', @tz)), Hour 

This query is similar to the one above except it outputs Erlangs rather than call volume.

Let me know if these are useful to you.

Slaptijack's Koding Kraken