Using Alpha-Channel Transparency in Photoshop

Posted on in Graphics Design

I thought I should give credit where credit is due.

Making PNGs with alpha-channel transparency in Photoshop

I used David Chess' tutorial on PNG alpha-channel transparency in Adobe® Photoshop® to create the Slaptijack sandwich logo. When I first started working on the logo, I was completely lost. I knew I wanted a faded-out looking sandwich (public domain clip-art, by the way) on a red background, but that was pretty much all I had going. David's tutorial not only helped my create the faded look, but I was able to apply the principals of his tutorial and create a master image that can be dumped on any color background. Within minutes I had the orange sandwich logo you can find on my Technorati profile.

Thanks, David.

Slaptijack's Koding Kraken