Articles in the Graphics Design category

  1. Sumo Paint - More Than Fun

    Posted on in Graphics Design

    Created with Sumo Paint On a whim today I decided to give Sumo Paint a try. I'm really surprised with the quality of this product. I never would have guessed that a free, browser-based image editing tool would be so responsive and easy to use.

    If you're into image editing, why not give it …

  2. Giving BlogRush A Whirl

    Posted on in Graphics Design

    BlogRush Logo As you can see, I'm giving a new widget a whirl. BlogRush is an RSS syndication service that presents on-topic posts from around the Blogosphere to your readers.

    Generally, I don't buy into all this "Blogosphere" whoo-ha, but in this case it really seems to be a win-win situation. Readers …

  3. Slaptijack Breaks into Alexa Top 1,000,000

    Posted on in Graphics Design

    Slaptijack Breaks into Alexa Top 1,000,000

    Without much fanfare, Slaptijack broke into the Alexa Top 1,000,000 web sites earlier this week. Although the Alexa ranking is notoriously inaccurate, it does give some gauge of a site's popularity.

    Since Alexa relies on their toolbar to determine the reach of a website, I'd like to thank …

  4. Creating favicon.ico In Photoshop

    Posted on in Graphics Design

    Until recently, I used websites to convert PNGs or JPEGs into ICOs for me. My method was pretty simple: Google for "convert PNG to ICO" and use the first site that came up.

    I've recently decided that this method is bogus. Creating a 16x16 favicon.ico is incredibly simple, as …

  5. SlaptiUpdates: Now You Can Get Daily Slaptijack!

    Posted on in Graphics Design

    Now, through the magic of FeedBurner and email, you can get daily updates of the happenings here at Slaptijack. To get an update when new content is posted to the site, simply enter your email address in the form below, and enjoy the flow of SlaptiGoodness.

    Once you sign up …

  6. Technorati Loves Slaptijack!

    Posted on in Graphics Design

    Just a quick note.

    Slaptijack recently broke into the Technorati Top 100,000. Obviously, this doesn't mean a whole lot (and may not last long), but it's sure neat to see that Rank number shrink from 7 digits to 5 over the last two months. With a little luck, and …

  7. Post #100! (Cue Confetti)

    Posted on in Graphics Design

    Welcome to post #100! Since this is a bit of a milestone, I thought I'd put up a super chart.

    The image below shows the grow of RSS subscribers over the last 100 posts.

    RSS Subscriber Growth as of Jun 4, 2006.

    Although the growth is modest, I think its impressive considering this site has lived between Google …

  8. Floatutorial: CSS Float != Root Beer Float

    Posted on in Graphics Design

    I've recently begun designing my own WordPress theme. The last time I really worked with any sort of web "design" (I'm using that word rather loosely here), layout was done via tables instead of divs. Stephen at Acadian Imaging told me that in order to get my theme to work …

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