Web Expert: Stephen Hebert and Acadian Imaging

Posted on in Graphics Design

More giving credit where credit is due.

I recently had the great misfortune of opening Slaptijack in Internet Explorer. I was so horrified with how the site looked in IE, I immediately enlisted the help of Web Developer Stephen Hebert of Acadian Imaging. Generally, I prefer to figure these sorts of problems out on my own, but the thought that some number of users were seeing this IE atrocity had me looking for help.

Stephen has worked on some attractive sites including Acadian Imaging's own site, as well as, Withering Fig (this is where I first saw the Akon theme I now use for Slaptijack). Stephen had my CSS fixed up in a few minutes and even had a few tips for me on fixing up the site. I've included a few samples of his work below.

Acadian Imaging

jessicavball.com by Acadian Imaging

witheringfig.com by Acadian Imaging

Slaptijack's Koding Kraken