Articles in the information_systems category

  1. Modernizing Security Policies for Today's Organizations

    Posted on in information_systems

    Security policies are crucial components of any organization's overall strategy to protect its information assets. In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and cybersecurity, these policies must be viewed as living documents that require regular reviews and updates. As organizations grow and their security needs change, outdated policies can leave …

  2. BIP / BTOP Selection Process Complete

    Posted on in Information Systems

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) LogoThe Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) have announced through their respective websites that all applications selected to receive a reward under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 have been notified. This officially concludes the application and selection process. For those of us …

  3. BIP / BTOP Round 2 Application Data Available

    Posted on in Information Systems

    a href="{tag}arra">American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Logo</a>Both the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) have made American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Round 2 application data available. The RUS is currently distributing their BIP application information in a PDF directory. The NTIA, on the other hand …

  4. Bleeding Edge Technology in the Enterprise

    Posted on in Information Systems

    As new technology breakthroughs happen, there is always an enterprise willing to be an early adopter. Bleeding edge technology is hardware, software, or concepts that are new and untested. My enterprises choose to become early adopters in the hope of gaining a competitive advantage over their competitors. Two examples of …

  5. IS Trends for SMBs

    Posted on in Information Systems

    Due to their size, small businesses are often behind the curve when it comes to trends in information systems. Fortunately, their small size also imparts on them the ability to respond quickly when an opportunity presents itself. In today's rapidly changing marketplace, SMBs must be prepared to deploy decision support …

  6. Computer Crime

    Posted on in Information Systems

    Along with its ability to enhance collaboration and proliferate information, the Internet has introduced a new level of computer crime. Computer crime consists of a wide array of issues including identity theft and privacy violations, misuse of intellectual property, theft and espionage, and general computer-based attacks. Of the threats facing …

  7. Intellectual Property

    Posted on in Information Systems

    Intellectual property is the "ownership of ideas and control over the tangible or virtual representation of those ideas" (FOLDOC, 1997). Many companies have developed intellectual property as part of their normal business operations. This includes manufacturing processes, specialized business operations, and customized software. Intellectual property can be divided into four …

  8. New Technologies: Issues and Challenges

    Posted on in Information Systems

    Implementing a new technology is a complicated task. Beyond the technical implementation details, there is a myriad of organizational issues and challenges that must be addressed. Four areas of primary concern including selection of the new technology, implementing it, the human resources implications, and ongoing maintenance. Information systems managers must …

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