The Influences Driving Virtualization

Posted on in IT Management

The Influences Driving Virtualization is a new white paper from the guys at ReadWriteWeb. I recently downloaded and read through it. If you're curious about virtualization, but aren't sure about giving up your contact info to ReadWriteWeb, here are some notes about what you'll find after you download.

"Organizations that are planning or beginning virtualization or cloud projects now can do so with less risk than early adopters."

Bottom Line Benefits

  • Cost reduction
  • Reduced or redeployed IT headcount
  • Improved efficiency

Top Line Benefits

  • Greater agility
  • IT moves from cost center to strategic partner
  • Move products to market faster
  • Quickly scale up to meet demand

How To Do Virtualization Right

  • Get the planning phase correct
  • Manage the power shift from IT providers to IT consumers
  • Start with easy wins
  • Use good application design
  • Use appropriate metrics


  • It's easier to manage fewer servers
  • Simplified business continuity
  • Software automation simplifies life

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