Articles tagged with virtualization

  1. LinkedIn: What is the Cloud?

    Posted on in IT Management

    A really interesting discussion has been going on in the LinkedIn IT Architect group. If you aren't a member of the group, I highly recommend you join. The question that fired off the discussion was, "Is 'the cloud' just another name for a hosted / out-sourced (web application) service? If not …

  2. ab Results Before and After Server Move

    Posted on in System Administration

    Electronic Eye

    Behold, the benefits of virtualization!

    I spent most of the evening preparing to move a few websites. I decided to do some benchmarking just to see what sort of improvement I was getting from the new server setup. Although the old server didn't feel slow when browsing sites, the results …

  3. Ubuntu: Installing VMware Tools in 10.04 LTS

    Posted on in System Administration

    Ubuntu Circle of Friends Logo (Orange on White)Although this process is well documented on the Ubuntu community site, I decided to take notes of the exact steps that I took so that I wouldn't have to fumble through that long document next time. I'm installing the tools in a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS …

  4. VirtualBox 4.0.4 Has Arrived

    Posted on in Software

    VirtualBox 4.0.4Oracle announced the release of VirtualBox 4.0.4 today. This maintenance release addresses many bugs experienced by hosts of all operating systems. You can find a full list of fixes and additions in the Changelog.

    I use VirtualBox on both my Macs for my various testing needs. If you've …

  5. VirtualBox 3.2.10 Released

    Posted on in Software

    VirtualBox 3.2.10Oracle's VirtualBox 3.2.10 was released today. This another maintenance release for 3.2 that includes a wide variety of bug fixes. Check out the Changelog for more details.

    I use VirtualBox on both my Macs for my various testing needs. If you've got a favorite desktop virtualization program …

  6. XenServer 5.6 cdrommon Consumes All CPU Resources

    Posted on in System Administration

    Users of Citrix XenServer 5.6 are experiencing a problem where the cdrommon process begins consuming all CPU resources and affecting virtual machine performance. Using 'top' or 'ps auwx' from dom0 shows that the process is consuming 99% or more CPU resources. Users of Xen Cloud Platform (XCP) 0.5 …

Slaptijack's Koding Kraken