load-interval 30: For and Against

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The "load-interval" command is used in network configuration settings, particularly in Cisco routers and switches, to specify the interval at which the interface's load statistics are updated and collected. Setting "load-interval 30" means that the device will collect load statistics for the interface every 30 seconds. The choice of this interval can have both pros and cons depending on your network monitoring and management needs. Here are some of the pros and cons of setting "load-interval 30" on a network interface:


  1. Granular Monitoring: A shorter load interval (e.g., 30 seconds) provides more frequent updates on the interface's load statistics. This granularity can be beneficial for real-time network monitoring and troubleshooting.
  2. Faster Detection of Issues: With more frequent updates, you can quickly detect and respond to network issues or anomalies, such as sudden spikes in traffic or congestion. This helps in proactive network management.
  3. Accurate Performance Analysis: Shorter load intervals provide a more accurate representation of network performance, which is essential for diagnosing and optimizing network behavior.
  4. Real-time Visibility: It allows network administrators to have real-time visibility into the traffic patterns and utilization of the network, making it easier to identify trends or patterns.


  1. Increased Overhead: Collecting load statistics more frequently can generate additional overhead on the device, as it has to process and store more data. This may impact the device's overall performance.
  2. Higher Storage Requirements: Storing data collected at shorter intervals can lead to higher storage requirements, especially if you are storing historical data for long periods.
  3. More Frequent Data Analysis: While real-time data is valuable, it also requires more frequent attention from network administrators to analyze the data, which may not be practical in all situations.
  4. Potential for Misinterpretation: Monitoring at very short intervals may result in spikes or fluctuations that are not necessarily indicative of significant network issues. It requires a deeper understanding of network behavior to interpret the data accurately.

In conclusion, setting "load-interval 30" on a network interface can be advantageous for real-time monitoring and rapid issue detection, but it comes with increased overhead, storage requirements, and the need for more frequent data analysis. The choice of load interval should align with your specific network monitoring and management objectives and the capacity of your network infrastructure to handle the increased data collection and processing load.

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