I was recently part of a discussion regarding whether or not lowering the
on a Cisco router or switch interface from the default of 300
seconds had an impact on performance.
Both sides made good points, but
both were based on assumption and conjecture.
5 minute input rate 213000 bits/sec, 28 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 25000 bits/sec, 31 packets/sec
I have found that the default 300 seconds for load-interval
is just not useful
when doing any sort of troubleshooting. Five minutes is just too long a period to
be averaging traffic over. By default, I add load-interval 30
to all my
interface configurations.
There are those that claim that this will have a negative impact on performance. In all fairness, that was written in 2000 and might have been true at the time.
Command Reference
clearly indicates that "load data is gathered every five seconds." This means
that the collection of load data is not affected by the load-interval
but merely affects how load calculations are performed. Therefore, it is safe to
change the load-interval
to any allowed interval that is more suitable for your
Be aware that load calculation affects more than just the output of
show interfaces
. This can also effect backup interfaces that are dialed when an
interface reaches a particular load. If you use this or a similar feature, use
with caution.