Articles in the system_administration category

  1. Scrolling in screen

    Posted on in System Administration

    I use screen for various purposes. It's nice to be able to sit down at a different terminal and attach to my same session, for example. I also occasionally run some long-term commands that will blow up if my session is disconnected. The one thing I need to do with …

  2. Lotus Domino 6.5 - Start Agent Manager

    Posted on in System Administration

    Lotus Notes Logo You stopped Agent Manager on your Lotus Domino 6.5 server when you meant to tell it to restart? I've done that. If you don't know how to start it up again, finding that information can be pretty frustrating. Not to mention potentially embarrassing.

    To get the Agent Manager running …

  3. Leopard SSH Slow to Connect

    Posted on in System Administration

    Orange Tunnel Thanks to a hard drive failure, I recently installed a fresh copy of Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) on my MacBook. I do a lot of work on remote systems and SSH is my bread and butter. Whenever I tried to SSH into other Macs on my local network …

  4. Network Monitor

    Posted on in System Administration

    One of the more underrated tools included with Microsoft Windows Server is Network Monitor. Network Monitor is a packet capture tool that allows network administrators to gain insight into what network traffic is being sent and received by the server. This data can be useful in diagnosing various network problems …

  5. Lotus Domino lnmibdll.dll Error During Upgrade

    Posted on in System Administration

    Lotus Notes Logo I was involved in a project to apply a maintenance release to an existing Lotus Domino installation running on Windows Server 2003. The goal was to upgrade the server from version 6.5.5 to 6.5.6. During the upgrade process, the installer checks the version of Domino that …

  6. Data Storage: An Evolution

    Posted on in System Administration

    USB Flash Drive and CDsThe beginning of truly inexpensive data storage began with the introduction of magnetic tape. Unlike previous data storage technologies such as punch cards, magnetic tape has the ability to hold large quantities of data. Additionally, the ability to store data on magnetic data did not inhibit the format of the …

  7. SSH Password Guessing Attacks

    Posted on in System Administration


    I manage servers and network devices that, for a variety of reasons, allow users to connect via SSH from anywhere in the world. Although the traffic generated by these connections is encrypted, leaving this open to the world does present a bit of a security risk. Would-be crackers use compromised …

  8. Reverting Mac Dock Icon Problem

    Posted on in System Administration

    Those that know me may have heard me rant about my "Reverting Mac Dock Icon Problem." The problem is this: I have put a folder on my Dock and every time I log out or reboot, the icon reverts from my custom icon to the default folder icon. To fix …

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