Articles in the voice category

  1. Crashing Android Contacts App

    Posted on in voice

    Android DollsFor about a month, I've had a problem with my Contacts app crashing on my T-Mobile G1. Whenever this would happen, I would be forced to close the Contacts application. This was a pretty major pain in the butt since I tend to use the Contacts and Favorites tab to …

  2. Sipura 2100 ATA Factory Reset Procedure

    Posted on in voice

    This information is contained in the documentation for the ATA, but I never have that handy when I need it. Here are the steps for performing a factory reset on a Sipura 2100 ATA:

    1. Plug an analog phone into either phone port.
    2. Dial ****
    3. Dial 73738#
    4. Dial 1#
    5. Hangup
  3. Subscribe to asterisk-announce

    Posted on in voice

    Asterisk logoIf your PBX is Asterisk based, you need to subscribe to the asterisk-announce mailing list. This is where Asterisk developers post information regarding new releases and security updates for all versions of Asterisk. If you were on this mailing list, you would know that two recent security alerts (see below …

  4. MeetMe Not Working? Verify the Zaptel Kernel Module

    Posted on in voice

    I ran across an instance of Asterisk the other day that was working fine except that none of the MeetMe conference bridges were valid. The conference bridges were previously working, but the server had recently lost power and rebooted. Whenever someone tried to use a conference bridge, the following message …

  5. Stop That Linksys VMWI Half Ring

    Posted on in voice

    Linksys / Cisco SPA-2100 Ring Splash HighlightedIn my office here at the Slaptijack world headquarters, I have a cordless phone attached to a Linksys (née Sipura) SPA-2100. Thanks to the Visual Message Waiting Indicator (VMWI), I have a nice blinking LED whenever I have a voicemail waiting on my Asterisk server. Unfortunately, the Linksys SPA-2100 is …

  6. Setting the Linksys VoIP Phone Daylight Savings Time Rule

    Posted on in voice

    If you use a new Linksys VoIP phone (for example, the Linksys SPA942), you probably don't have to worry about the change to Daylight Savings Time that began in 2007. By default, your phone has the right information about when Daylight Savings Time begins and ends.

    On the other hand …

  7. Using Multiple Outbound Dial-Peers on Cisco Access Servers

    Posted on in voice

    You might run into a situation where you have multiple PRIs or T1s for outbound calling on your Cisco Access Server (Cisco AS5350 or other model). In order to ensure that all outbound calls are using both circuits, you need to configure two outbound dial peers. In order for the …

  8. T.37 Store and Forward Fax and Cisco AS5300: Questions

    Posted on in voice

    Fax (photo by zd) id: 722728Note: This is part of a discussion regarding the configuration of a Cisco AS5300 for T.37 Store and Forward Faxing.

    I haven't touched this series in a while, but I thought it might make sense to add a post that addresses common questions. If you have questions that aren't …

  9. Asterisk WaitExten() Music on Hold Option Only Uses Default Class

    Posted on in voice

    vintage 1 (photo by coscurro) id: 780414This might be a bug with the particular version of Asterisk 1.2 I'm using, but it's pretty darn annoying. Hopefully, it doesn't effect you if you are using the latest version of 1.2 or 1.4.

    What I'm trying to do is play some background music while I …

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