Articles tagged with performance_tuning

  1. Advanced Optimizations with LLVM

    Posted on in programming

    Welcome back, fellow developers! In our previous articles, we explored the core components of LLVM, guided you through its installation, and demonstrated how to write a simple compiler using LLVM. Now it's time to take our knowledge to the next level by delving into advanced optimizations. Optimizations are a crucial …

  2. Does load-interval Affect Performance?

    Posted on in Networking

    I was recently part of a discussion regarding whether or not lowering the load-interval on a Cisco router or switch interface from the default of 300 seconds had an impact on performance. Both sides made good points, but both were based on assumption and conjecture.

    5 minute input rate 213000 …
  3. ab Results Before and After Server Move

    Posted on in System Administration

    Electronic Eye

    Behold, the benefits of virtualization!

    I spent most of the evening preparing to move a few websites. I decided to do some benchmarking just to see what sort of improvement I was getting from the new server setup. Although the old server didn't feel slow when browsing sites, the results …

  4. Cisco Input and Output Queue Drops

    Posted on in Networking

    This seems to be a pretty common problem for Cisco users. Not that Cisco devices have more queue drop problems, just that more Cisco users are a little confused by the information generated in the show interface command.

    Specifically, we're talking about the lines that look something like this:

    Input …

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