Articles tagged with performance

  1. Demystifying Throughput: A Deep Dive into TTCP on Cisco Platforms

    Posted on in networking

    In the labyrinthine world of network troubleshooting, pinpointing performance bottlenecks can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded. While various tools exist, the Cisco Test TCP (TTCP) utility often emerges as a hidden gem for gauging real-world throughput on network paths. This article embarks on a comprehensive exploration of TTCP, uncovering …

  2. SNMP Traps into MySQL is Sublime

    Posted on in System Administration

    I use snmptrapd to catch SNMP traps and then put them into a MySQL database using a pretty generic trap handler. This gives me the opportunity to generate such useful information as:

    > SELECT HOUR(time) AS "hour", COUNT(*) AS "bounces" FROM snmptraps
        WHERE hostname = 'XXX' AND time > '2011-07-25'
            AND trap_oid …
  3. Does load-interval Affect Performance?

    Posted on in Networking

    I was recently part of a discussion regarding whether or not lowering the load-interval on a Cisco router or switch interface from the default of 300 seconds had an impact on performance. Both sides made good points, but both were based on assumption and conjecture.

    5 minute input rate 213000 …
  4. ab Results Before and After Server Move

    Posted on in System Administration

    Electronic Eye

    Behold, the benefits of virtualization!

    I spent most of the evening preparing to move a few websites. I decided to do some benchmarking just to see what sort of improvement I was getting from the new server setup. Although the old server didn't feel slow when browsing sites, the results …

  5. Show Cisco Interface Status and Traffic Rates Only

    Posted on in Networking

    I would hope there is a better way to do this. The other day, I had a need to see all the interfaces on a router and how much input and output traffic they were passing. This just seems like something that should be built in, but I've not seen …

  6. Cisco Input and Output Queue Drops

    Posted on in Networking

    This seems to be a pretty common problem for Cisco users. Not that Cisco devices have more queue drop problems, just that more Cisco users are a little confused by the information generated in the show interface command.

    Specifically, we're talking about the lines that look something like this:

    Input …
  7. Cisco iperf Equivalent or Cisco-based Bandwidth Testing

    Posted on in Networking

    If you've worked on networks long enough, you're probably familiar with iperf. This application is great for testing throughput between two computers on your network. Unfortunately, if you find yourself in a situation where you have less than two computers to test with, iperf is less than ideal.

    Fortunately, Cisco …

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