Articles in the programming category

  1. Choosing a Language for Custom Nagios Plugins

    Posted on in Programming

    NagiosChoosing a language in which to develop your custom Nagios plugins is pretty easy. You have two roads you can go down: compiled or scripting.

    If you decide to build plugins using a compiled language, just about any will do. Generally speaking, C is the usual choice for something like …

  2. Apache, SSL, Rails and a Broken Redirect

    Posted on in Programming

    steam locomotive (photo by benedeki)If you are using Apache and <acronym title="Secure Sockets Layer">SSL</acronym> as a proxy front-end for your Ruby on Rails application, you might have a problem with redirects if the backend server (Mongrel, for example) does not use SSL.

    In a nutshell, you'll discover that redirects are sent …

  3. ActiveRecord and SELECT DISTINCT

    Posted on in Programming

    Blue Cup 1 (photo by woodsy)I'm writing this post for two reasons:

    1. For some reason, I couldn't find a lot of information on ActiveRecord and SELECT DISTINCT().
    2. I'm hoping some Ruby / ActiveRecord guru will stumble across this and provide a better solution.

    Recently, I was working on a project written in Ruby with ActiveRecord that …

  4. Installing RubyGems with MacPorts

    Posted on in Programming

    IM_OK (photo by danzo08)Quick note.

    I recently needed to install a few RubyGems on my Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) development system. I use MacPorts to keep my system consistent, but MacPorts was causing the problem. Here's a look at the output I was getting while trying to install Active Support.

    $ sudo …
  5. Logging Active Record Queries to a File

    Posted on in Programming

    Grapefruit Glory (photo by AnnaMaciel)I was recently helping a developer with some SQL optimizations in Ruby. The developer was using Active Record, and (until now) my Active Record experience has been pretty minimal.

    One thing that was really driving me bonkers was how to get Active Record to print out the queries it was …

  6. Perl, ntop and Odd Hash Assignments

    Posted on in Programming

    Camel with FurThis is a silly mistake that can be easily avoided.

    I was working on a Perl script that grabbed network traffic information from my ntop server and reported on it. ntop provides an <acronym title="Application Program Interface">API</acronym> that specifically supports Perl. Although I was seeing the data …

  7. Get Subversion Updates via Email

    Posted on in Programming

    Coffee Cup with @Sometimes it seems like a great idea to receive updates whenever someone commits something to your Subversion repository, right? This has definitely seemed like a good idea to me, but it's only nice if you work in a small shop with only a few developers. Too many developers make this …

  8. SlaptiGooglePR Plugin for WordPress Now in Beta

    Posted on in Programming

    The SlaptiGooglePR Plugin for WordPress adds a Google PageRank column to your Manage Posts subpanel. Unlike other Google PageRank plugins which add a PageRank badge to every post, this plugin gives the blog administrator a snapshot of how every post is ranked without announcing it to the world. Additionally, it …

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