Gmail And IMAP, Perfect

Posted on in Software

Gmail IMAP SettingsI'm way behind in my feed reader (Google Reader, if you care to know) and it shows. This morning I was poking around in my Gmail settings and noticed a slight change in the tabs across the top. Where we used to have "Forwarding and POP", we now have "Forwarding and POP/IMAP". In case you missed it, let me point out the important piece of information again:


Again, IMAP!

Super sleuth though I am, it still doesn't seem possible that I'm the first person to have noticed this new and exciting information. Looking through my feeds, I see that this changed started rolling out near the end of October.

I've advocated using Gmail in most settings for quite a while, but this addition, in conjunction with Google Apps, makes it a truly viable option for businesses.

If you're using Gmail via IMAP, leave a comment and let us know how it's going.

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