Articles tagged with gmail

  1. Gmail: Forward All Mail to Another Address

    Posted on in Software

    One of Gmail's greatest features is its spam filtering. But, if you have a situation where you want to forward mail from multiple Gmail accounts to a single location, that fantastic filtering becomes a little cumbersome. In this situation, having junk mail sitting around in multiple Gmail accounts is actually …

  2. Gmail Changes Things Up

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    Gmail's New Look Notification

    The guys at Google have rolled out a few interface changes for Gmail users. So far, these changes have not been rolled out to Google Apps users.

    New Look

    The Gmail interface has been slimmed down to remove clutter and make it easier to find what you need. The result …

  3. Gmail Search Power

    Posted on in Software

    Gmail logoSomehow, I have let my Gmail inbox get totally out of control. I don't know if it was the holidays or what, but as of this morning, I had over 800 unread messages in my Gmail inbox. I decided a little while ago that it was time to focus on …

  4. Gmail + Firefox 3 (Beta) - Is It Fixed?

    Posted on in Software

    Gmail LogoI've been having problems with Google Chat (in Gmail) this afternoon. I decided that logging out of Gmail and restarting Firefox might be a helpful exercise. When I returned to Gmail, I noticed that something was wrong: everything was right.

    For some odd reason, I seem to have been zapped …

  5. Another Update - Firefox 3 Beta 5

    Posted on in Software

    Firefox 3 RobotThe good folks at Mozilla keep plugging away at Firefox 3. Now Firefox 3 Beta 5 is ready for download.

    The two big ticket items for Firefox 3 Beta 5 are improved OS integration (Windows, OS X, and Linux) and increased Javascript performance. If you are one of those people …

  6. Looks Like I'm Back On AIM

    Posted on in Software LogoMany months ago I made a conscience decision to use only Google Talk for instant messaging. By doing this, I really shut the door on several friends and family members that were tied to Yahoo! and AIM. It wasn't an easy decision, but I was really tired of having to …

  7. Gmail And IMAP, Perfect

    Posted on in Software

    Gmail IMAP SettingsI'm way behind in my feed reader (Google Reader, if you care to know) and it shows. This morning I was poking around in my Gmail settings and noticed a slight change in the tabs across the top. Where we used to have "Forwarding and POP", we now have "Forwarding …

  8. Gmail Annoyances

    Posted on in Software

    Gmail LogoIn a recent article on Read/WriteWeb about Online Office Apps, Josh Catone mentioned off-hand that he didn't like the Gmail user interface. Since I've been using the Gmail interface exclusively for quite a while, I decided it might be time to talk about the problems I have with the …

  9. Gmail Has Ads?

    Posted on in Software

    This is just a little humorous anecdote along the lines of frantically searching the house for the glasses you happen to be wearing. After yesterday's somewhat "heavy" post, I thought the mood needed a little lightening.

    I've only recently (in the last month or so) begun using Gmail as my …

  10. What is Mutt?

    Posted on in Software

    Mutt is a text-based email client for UNIX-based operating systems. To say it is highly configurable is an understatement. It can be compiled to support a variety of mail protocols and runs in almost any terminal emulator. Unfortunately, the glory days of Mutt have come and gone. In the days …

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