Articles tagged with google

  1. Google PageRank Tool 0.5.0

    Posted on in Software

    I released a new version of my Google PageRank Tool for WordPress last week. Google recently changed the URL for PageRank information which necessitated a change in the plugin. The new plugin has been tested with WordPress 3.2.1.

    You can download the latest version of the plugin from …

  2. Gmail: Forward All Mail to Another Address

    Posted on in Software

    One of Gmail's greatest features is its spam filtering. But, if you have a situation where you want to forward mail from multiple Gmail accounts to a single location, that fantastic filtering becomes a little cumbersome. In this situation, having junk mail sitting around in multiple Gmail accounts is actually …

  3. Gmail Changes Things Up

    Posted on in Software

    Gmail's New Look Notification

    The guys at Google have rolled out a few interface changes for Gmail users. So far, these changes have not been rolled out to Google Apps users.

    New Look

    The Gmail interface has been slimmed down to remove clutter and make it easier to find what you need. The result …

  4. New Google Apps Sync for Outlook Improves GAL Functionality

    Posted on in Software

    Before version 1.8, Google Apps Sync for Microsoft Outlook did not support automatic updating of your domain's Global Address List (GAL). Domain administrators were forced to creating a static copy of the GAL and make that available to Outlook via a change in the desktop's registry. With the latest …

  5. Crashing Android Contacts App

    Posted on in voice

    Android DollsFor about a month, I've had a problem with my Contacts app crashing on my T-Mobile G1. Whenever this would happen, I would be forced to close the Contacts application. This was a pretty major pain in the butt since I tend to use the Contacts and Favorites tab to …

  6. Google Docs Has Footnotes?

    Posted on in Software

    Google may have added this feature back in October, but I'm just now noticing it. Although I don't use footnotes very often, I know some folks that really like them. Alex at GoogleOS pointed out some issues with the new footnote system when they first hit the scene.

    Somewhat related …

  7. Gmail + Firefox 3 (Beta) - Is It Fixed?

    Posted on in Software

    Gmail LogoI've been having problems with Google Chat (in Gmail) this afternoon. I decided that logging out of Gmail and restarting Firefox might be a helpful exercise. When I returned to Gmail, I noticed that something was wrong: everything was right.

    For some odd reason, I seem to have been zapped …

  8. Another Update - Firefox 3 Beta 5

    Posted on in Software

    Firefox 3 RobotThe good folks at Mozilla keep plugging away at Firefox 3. Now Firefox 3 Beta 5 is ready for download.

    The two big ticket items for Firefox 3 Beta 5 are improved OS integration (Windows, OS X, and Linux) and increased Javascript performance. If you are one of those people …

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