Articles in the software category

  1. The Rise of Serverless Architecture: Benefits and Challenges

    Posted on in software

    Serverless architecture has become a game-changer in the world of software development and cloud computing. By abstracting away server management, serverless architecture allows developers to focus on writing code without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. This article explores the benefits and challenges of serverless architecture, providing insights into why it …

  2. Microservices Architecture: Benefits and Challenges

    Posted on in software

    Microservices architecture has emerged as a popular approach to designing and building scalable, flexible, and resilient applications. Unlike traditional monolithic architecture, microservices break down an application into smaller, loosely coupled services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. This article will delve into the benefits and challenges of microservices …

  3. Replicating the "git show" Command in Mercurial

    Posted on in software

    As a seasoned software engineer who has transitioned from the early days of development to the modern era, I understand the importance of having robust tools to manage codebases. Two of the most popular version control systems (VCS) today are Git and Mercurial. While both serve the same fundamental purpose …

  4. Quick and Efficient Subversion Repository Setup with SSH

    Posted on in software

    Setting up a Subversion (SVN) repository can be streamlined by using SSH, especially when developers already have system accounts. This method bypasses the complexity of setting up WebDAV with Apache.

    Steps to Set Up Subversion with SSH

    1. Create the Repository:

      sudo svnadmin create /var/svn

      This command initializes a new …

  5. Implementing 'git show' in Mercurial

    Posted on in Software

    One of my frequently used git commands is 'git show <rev>'. As in, "show me what the heck this guy did here." Unfortunately, Mercurial doesn't have the same command, but it's easy enough to implement it using an alias in your .hgrc.

    The command you would run from the command …

  6. {git, hg} Custom Log Output

    Posted on in Software

    The standard log output for both Git and Mercurial is a bit verbose for my liking. I keep my terminal at ~50 lines, which results in only getting about 8 to 10 log entries depending on how verbose the commit was. This isn't a big deal if you are just …

  7. Getting Started With Pelican

    Posted on in Software

    I've been using WordPress on this site since 2007. After all this time, I've decided I want to try something new. So, I've decided to go in a completely different direction and start serving static content. There are three things driving my decision to change:

    • The existing site is really …
  8. Mutt: Deleting Messages Older Than 30 Days

    Posted on in Software

    I tend to clear out large chunks of email all at once. The most common thing I do is clear out all mail older than 30 days.

    In mutt do the following:

    1. Shift-D to delete messages matching a pattern. This will return a prompt that says Delete messages matching:.
    2. ~d …
  9. Google Chrome Stuck Overseas

    Posted on in Software

    I recently spent six weeks in Sydney working for my new job. Naturally, while I was there, I let Google Chrome's omnibox redirect my searches to Google Australia. Fast forward a few weeks, and I'm back in the States, but Chrome is living in the past. After trying just about …

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