Articles in the system_administration category

  1. ab Results Before and After Server Move

    Posted on in System Administration

    Electronic Eye

    Behold, the benefits of virtualization!

    I spent most of the evening preparing to move a few websites. I decided to do some benchmarking just to see what sort of improvement I was getting from the new server setup. Although the old server didn't feel slow when browsing sites, the results …

  2. Ubuntu: Installing VMware Tools in 10.04 LTS

    Posted on in System Administration

    Ubuntu Circle of Friends Logo (Orange on White)Although this process is well documented on the Ubuntu community site, I decided to take notes of the exact steps that I took so that I wouldn't have to fumble through that long document next time. I'm installing the tools in a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS …

  3. Clear Windows DNS Server Cache From the CLI

    Posted on in System Administration

    Clearing the Windows DNS Server cache from the command line is an easy task.

    C:\> dnscmd . /clearcache

    The . indicates the local DNS server. You can use this command to clear the cache of remote DNS servers by replacing the . with the hostname or IP address of the remote server.

  4. MySQL + SELinux: Can't change dir (Errcode: 13)

    Posted on in System Administration

    Powered By MySQLIf you're using a non-standard MySQL data directory on your Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) server, you may have seen an error like /usr/libexec/mysqld: Can't change dir to '/mysql_data/' (Errcode: 13). The key to fixing this problem is to ensure the new MySQL data directory has the proper …

  5. Cisco Access Registrar: Automatically Clear Old Sessions

    Posted on in System Administration

    While doing some testing with Cisco Access Registrar (CAR) 5.0, I noticed that the test user had hundreds of old sessions hanging around:

    --> query-sessions /r with-User X
    Sessions with-User X for /Radius
      Sessions for /Radius/SessionManagers/session-mgr-1:
        S432 Key: 04000000000CF660, NAS:, NAS-Port: 0, User-Name: X, Time …

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