Articles tagged with go

  1. Optimal Go Directory Structure in a Large Polyglot Monorepo

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    When managing a large polyglot monorepo containing Go code alongside other languages, structuring directories appropriately is crucial for maintainability, scalability, and developer productivity. Go, or Golang, with its unique perspectives on dependency management and package structuring, requires thoughtful consideration to fit seamlessly within a broader, heterogeneous codebase. This blog …

  2. Singly Linked Lists vs. Doubly Linked Lists: Choosing the Right Tool for the Job

    Posted on in programming

    Linked lists, fundamental data structures in computer science, offer dynamic memory allocation and efficient insertion and deletion operations. However, within the realm of linked lists, two prominent types emerge: singly linked lists and doubly linked lists. While both share core concepts, they possess distinct characteristics and suitability for specific scenarios …

  3. Data Structures: Linked Lists

    Posted on in programming

    Linked lists are fundamental data structures that store elements in a linear fashion, unlike arrays which use contiguous memory allocation. Each element, or node, in a linked list contains data and a reference (link) to the next node in the sequence. This dynamic structure offers unique advantages and considerations compared …

  4. Arrays in Different Programming Languages: A Comparative Analysis

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    Arrays are fundamental data structures in programming, offering efficient ways to store and manage lists of elements. While the core concept remains similar across languages, their implementation and nuances vary significantly. This article delves into a comparative analysis of arrays in Python, Rust, Go, and C++, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses …

  5. Data Structures: Arrays

    Posted on in programming

    In the vast landscape of data structures, arrays stand tall as one of the most fundamental and widely used tools. Their simplicity belies their immense power, allowing them to efficiently store and manipulate collections of elements. Whether you're building dynamic websites or crunching scientific data, understanding arrays is crucial for …

  6. Data Structures: Priority Queue

    Posted on in programming

    Imagine a restaurant with a single line, but instead of a chaotic first-come, first-served approach, patrons are seated based on their urgency. A pregnant woman in pain? Straight to the front. A leisurely tourist? Further back they go. This preferential treatment, applied to data, is the essence of the priority …

  7. The Fastest Trending Programming Languages of 2023

    Posted on in programming

    The programming language landscape is constantly evolving, with new languages emerging and old languages falling out of favor. In 2023, there are a few programming languages that are gaining popularity at a rapid pace. These languages are all well-suited for different tasks and have unique features that make them stand …

  8. I Want to Learn a New Programming Language

    Posted on in programming

    That's great! Learning a new programming language can be a great way to expand your skills and knowledge as a software engineer. There are many different programming languages to choose from, so it's important to consider your interests and goals when making a decision.

    Here are a few factors to …

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