Articles tagged with lua

  1. Delving into WoW: Creating Mods with Lua

    Posted on in programming

    While the previous articles explored the fundamentals of Lua, this article specifically focuses on its application in creating mods for World of Warcraft, a popular MMORPG.

    1. Why use Lua for WoW Mods?

    World of Warcraft provides an extensive API (Application Programming Interface) that allows players to extend the game's …

  2. Expanding Your Toolkit: Modules, Packages, and Error Handling in Lua

    Posted on in programming

    In the previous articles, we covered the core concepts of Lua, including variables, data types, operators, control flow, functions, and tables. Now, let's explore some advanced topics that enhance your ability to write robust and effective Lua programs:

    1. Modules and Packages:

    • Modules: Reusable blocks of code stored in separate …
  3. Mastering Data Structures: Tables in Lua

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    In the previous articles, we explored variables, data types, operators, control flow statements, and functions, equipping you with the essential tools to build basic Lua programs. Now, let's delve into tables, the cornerstone data structure in Lua, offering immense flexibility and functionality.

    1. What are Tables?

    Tables are associative arrays …

  4. Functions: Building Reusable Code in Lua

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    In the previous articles, we covered the fundamentals of variables, data types, operators, and control flow statements, laying the groundwork for building basic Lua programs. Now, let's delve into functions, which are essential building blocks for creating well-structured and reusable code.

    1. Defining Functions:

    Functions are named blocks of code …

  5. Controlling the Flow: Conditional Statements and Loops in Lua

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    In the previous articles, we explored variables, data types, and operators, the essential building blocks of any Lua program. Now, let's delve into control flow statements, which enable your programs to make decisions and execute code conditionally.

    1. Conditional Statements:

    Conditional statements allow your program to choose different execution paths …

  6. Building Blocks of Lua: Variables, Data Types, and Operators

    Posted on in programming

    In the previous article, we introduced Lua as a powerful and versatile scripting language. Now, let's dive into the fundamental building blocks that form the foundation of any Lua program: variables, data types, and operators.

    1. Variables:

    Variables are named storage locations that hold data within your program. You can …

  7. Introduction to Lua: A Powerful Scripting Language for Many Uses

    Posted on in programming

    Welcome to the first article in our series introducing Lua, a powerful and versatile scripting language! This series will guide you through the fundamentals of Lua, from its basic syntax and data types to more advanced concepts like functions and control flow. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some …

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